Dr. Sandra Glahn

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2012 Election

A new Gallup Poll suggests that Christians could determine who will win the 2012 US presidential election.

The Health and Human Services mandate that declared that all employers, regardless of religion, must provide free contraceptives/abortion-inducing drugs has caused Catholics to re-think their historically Democratic leanings. Social issues such as abortion, gay marriage, gay adoption, and the contraceptive ruling have moved Catholics to the right.

Evangelicals and Orthodox Christians oppose the president's position gay marriage, while most mainline churches support it.

The challenge this year for Christians is that they must decide whether they will choose to vote for someone whose orthodoxy they seriously question or someone whose orthopraxy (pro-choice, pro-gay- marriage) they seriously question. Perhaps they will opt to stay away from the voting booths altogether.  How they choose to answer these questions could well determine who wins this year's presidential election.

Here's the good news: no matter who wins the election, Jesus Christ will still be in control. "Fear not."