Dr. Sandra Glahn

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Not in the Headlines

Earlier this month, I received an e-mail from a former college suite mate, Jennifer. She lives in Mali, and she and her family were en route to the city when the Malian government was overthrown in a coup d'état. After staying several days with an American previously unknown to them, Jen returned home and was ultimately reunited with the rest of her family, who had been scattered abroad.

For the time being, Jen and her family feel safe, but they ask prayer for their friends nearer to the action. Many mission groups have evacuated their people, but Jen's sponsoring organization has decided, in consultation with their people, that they will stay.* In her most recent message Jen mentioned a need that is more urgent than her safety: famine relief--especially with aid groups evacuating.

In the midst of civil unrest and following poor rains, food is scarce, and the price of what little is available has skyrocketed. The food crisis has pushed 13 million people to the brink of hunger, andmore than 1 million children in the Sahel now face severemalnutrition.

Please remember the least of these....

*Update: They are now in the process of evacuating. They ask prayer that their car will make it the 500 miles through scorching heat to Senegal.