Dr. Sandra Glahn

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On October 1, 2011, an unprecedented historic event occurred—one that all biblical scholars and professors need to be aware of. Dr. Bart D. Ehrman, James A. Gray Distinguished Professor at the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill, and Dr. Daniel B. Wallace, Professor of New Testament Studies at Dallas Theological Seminary and Executive Director of the Center for the Study of New Testament Manuscripts, debated the reliability of the text of the New Testament before nearly 1,500 individuals at the McFarlin Memorial Auditorium on the campus of Southern Methodist University. The debate was moderated by Dr. Mark Chancey, the Religious Studies department chair at SMU, who earned his PhD under Ehrman’s tutelage.
Ehrman and Wallace were seeking to answer the question, Can we trust the reliability of the New Testament? Dr. Ehrman throughout the debate constantly argued that the text of the New Testament was corrupted beyond repair. Dr. Wallace countered by stating that much evidence exists that affirms the reliability of the text—including from the first 200 years. This was the largest debate over the text of the New Testament in history. A professional film crew recorded the debate, which is now available for sale. In this exciting and historic dialogue you have the opportunity to listen to two leading scholars talk about this issue from opposing viewpoints—and they do it in terms that non-specialists and students can understand. You can purchase the DVD by clicking on this link— www.csntm.org. The DVD is priced at only $15.50 plus shipping and handling. It is available in both U.S. (NTSC) and international (PAL) versions.