Dr. Sandra Glahn

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Sad Day for Sudan

While many consumers of news are fixated on Weinergate, Edwardsgate, and Ahnold-gate, intense fighting has erupted on the border dividing north and south Sudan. The Nuba Mountain people are caught in the middle, dozens of civilians are dead, and more than 60,000 people have been displaced. Two churches built by Samaritan’s Purse (SP) have been destroyed. SP received this plea from a church planter:

“With grief today, I want to inform you that the new church is burned down. By this we have lost everything of the church. The house where my staff lives was looted, and the offices were burned. Many people fled from town, but some stayed. There is no food or water now for them. There are only soldiers all over the streets. We need prayers and support.”

This outbreak comes at a critical time in Sudan’s history as the south prepares for independence July 9. Worst case scenario: civil war. For more information, go here.