Dr. Sandra Glahn

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I opened the freezer last week and discovered a loaf of banana bread I'd put in there long ago. Oops. It was still okay to eat, but after it thawed, I had more crumbs than bread on the cutting board.

Fortunately, I had just read about a good use for extra cake crumbs: crumble 'em up, stick 'em in a parfait glass, drizzle with enough liqueur or fruit juice to moisten, and lop on some whipped cream.

So I tried that with the banana bread and some leftover Dream Whip I needed to use. And of course I improvised by tossing some (what else?) chocolate chips on top, because--well, what doesn't chocolate improve? My daughter named it "Blackfoot Blackout," and she asked me to make it again tonight.

What have you re-purposed, modified, or otherwise improved? A piece of furniture, a song, a space, a life? Share it.