Dr. Sandra Glahn

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The Power of Story

My friend and coworker Linda Tomczak is a great resource for info on fighting human trafficking. She compiled this list of books with story lines about the human sex trade:

. Priceless, by Tom Davis. 2010. The director of a ministry for orphans, Davis has written a novel exposing the industry overseas.

. Blood Ransom, by Lisa Harris. 2010. Romance novel. The story exposes one common form of trafficking, the abduction of children as child soldiers.

. Depth of Despair, by Robert Hale. 2010. Hale's suspense thriller explores the actual reality of abduction for organ removal.

If you prefer non-fiction, check out The Slave across the Street, by Theresa Flores. 2010. When she was fifteen, Flores was enslaved while living in an upper-middle-class suburb of Detroit.