Dr. Sandra Glahn

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On the Future of Books

The NY Times had an interesting short editorial this morning on the future of books. Especially of interest to authors. Or wannabe authors.

Oh, and yesterday they had a good short editorial on how having a fighting spirit (against, say, cancer) will not save your life. Elizabeth Edwards being a case in point.

When my hubby and I were going through infertility, people kept telling us that a positive outlook would bring a positive outcome. But ya know, that is not actually what our theology teaches. Paul had this thorn in the flesh that no prayer or positive thinking could fix. Why? So he would remember his strength came not from himself but from the One whose grace is sufficient. People cannot will a positive outcome. If so, do we blame those who are sick or have died for failing to have the right mental stuff?

A Christ-follower has a hope, a know-so hope, that will not disappoint. But that hope is not based on any of this world's events. Our positive mental state comes from trust in the one who knows best, not from willing events as we want them.

I do believe having a will to live makes one more apt to stay the course of treatment, which might lead to a better outcome. And prayer brings comfort and encouragement and sometimes miracles. But it's the Object of the prayer and not the prayer itself that does the work.