Dr. Sandra Glahn

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Mario Vargas Llosa: Nobel

Today officials announced that Peruvian Mario Vargas Llosa has won the 2010 Nobel Prize for Literature. I confess I'd never heard of him, but he's quite prolific. Here's a list of his novels with pub dates and English translation dates. (He's also written a lot of other stuff.)

1959 – The Cubs and Other Stories, 1979
1963 – The Time of the Hero, 1966
1966 – The Green House, 1968
1969 – Conversation in the Cathedral, 1975
1973 – Captain Pantoja and the Special Service,**1978
1977 – Aunt Julia and the Scriptwriter, 1982*
1981 – The War of the End of the World, 1984
1984 – The Real Life of Alejandro Mayta, 1985
1986 – Who Killed Palomino Molero?, 1987
1987 – The Storyteller, 1989
1988 – In Praise of the Stepmother, 1990
1993 – Death in the Andes, 1996
1997 – Notebooks of Don Rigoberto, 1998
2000 – The Feast of the Goat, 2002
2003 – The Way to Paradise, 2003
2006 – The Bad Girl, 2007
2010 – El sueño del celta

* film version available, but not on Netflix
**available on Netflix