Dr. Sandra Glahn

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Domestic Violence FYI

October is Domestic Violence Awareness month.

“Domestic violence causes far more pain than the visible marks of bruises and scars. It is devastating to be abused by someone that you love and think loves you in return. It is estimated that approximately 3 million incidents of domestic violence are reported each year in the United States.” – Dianne Feinstein

Domestic violence affects everyone; male or female, young or old, poor or middle class or affluent. It affects every race. It is prevalent in religious couples with a false understanding of submission. It leaves its victims afraid, vulnerable, injured, with few options and sometimes nowhere to turn.

What are signs that someone is in an abusive relationship?

Does his or her partner . . .

◊ Hit, punch, slap, choke, or shove?

◊ Destroy personal property, damage furniture or walls?

◊ Prevent seeing friends or family?

◊ Control all finances and/or force an account for every penny spent?

◊ Belittle in public or private?

◊ Show extreme jealousy of others or make false accusations?

◊ Force sex?

These are all examples of abusive behavior. If any of these things are happening, the person enduring such behavior needs help.