Dr. Sandra Glahn

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Pat Robertston does it again

Oh sheesh. Why do journalists keep interviewing Pat Robertson? And why do Robertson's supporters keep sending him enough money to stay on the air? This time he's told of how Haiti made a deal with the devil, but the new twist is that he included what the devil said back! Here's the Huffington Post's news story about it. I was glad to see that on Good Morning America this morning, Franklin Graham was shown saying Robertson misspoke.

I would tell you about the talk on Twitter about this, but it's too full of expletives to repeat...

Any time a tragedy happens, we have a fresh opportunity to remind ourselves of life's brevity. We will all someday face our Maker, and we have an opportunity through reflection on such events to repent. Saying this is not at all the same as assuming tragedy happened to others because of God's judgment on them. In Jesus' day a tower fell and killed eighteen people (see Luke 13), and he raised this question for his listeners: Do you think those who perished were worse culprits than all those living in Jerusalem?

Job's friends did fine as long as they kept their mouths shut. But as soon as they pronounced a clear cause-and-effect relationship between sin and suffering, they revealed their total ignorance of the ways of God. Until we have enough power to command the morning and find the storehouses of snow, we'll find some events utterly impossible to explain.