Dr. Sandra Glahn

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Kindred Spirit Fall Issue Out

The fall issue of Kindred Spirit, the magazine I edit, arrived this week. You can also read key stories on the web:

The Call to Care: Caring for God's Creation
The Earth is the LORD's …
Environmental stewardship lies deeply rooted in our belief system. Stewardship of the planet and its creatures is part of humanity's mandate.

The Call to Care Caring for Earth's People
… And All Who Live in It
God is at work across the planet, raising up worshippers. Read how God is using a variety of people and opportunities to reap a spiritual harvest.

Stranded on Omnipotence When Brian and Heather left Kenya in December, they packed for a ten-day trip. Seven months later Brian (MA[BS], 1998) returned to find the ministry better than he left it. This one will give you the back-story on my hubby's new job handling administration for a Kenya ministry. For more on Brian and Heather's work, you can also view a short video here.