Dr. Sandra Glahn

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Got Shots?

Thursday afternoon my husband came running into the house grasping his thumb--which he had cut with the table saw. We had no idea how bad it was because when he realized he'd done it, he grabbed it and wouldn't let go.

He was in enough pain that the doc thought he'd hit bone, but as it turns out, the x-ray showed he missed by a hair. (He cut his thumb the long way, not across.) Doc said, "Somebody must be watching out for you." Somebody, indeed.

My man got six shots and six stitches. Which brings me to my point... If you do immunizations, are you up-to-date on your shots? Adults should receive a booster shot for Tetanus every 10 years, along with diphtheria immunization according to the CDC, which now recommends an adult immunization visit at age 50 years.