Dr. Sandra Glahn

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Join the Esther Study

Does your study of the Bible fall off in the summer? Have you never studied the Bible in the first place? Think about this...

Two artists and I blog regularly at SoulPerSuit. Our goal is to engage all of our senses and artist sensibilities in our meditation on God's word. Don't worry--I can't draw worth a flip. You don't have to be a painter to join! You just have to desire a more right-brained approach to learning at least once in a while.

As the main writer in the group and as an adjunct prof at Dallas Seminary, I authored the Coffee Cup Bible Study series (AMG), including "Espresso with Esther." And starting July 25, I'll lead an online group diving into the Esther study. Consider it a study group via cyberspace. Anybody who speaks English anywhere in the world with access to the Internet is welcome.

To sign up for the on-line group, follow this link and complete the contact info. http://groups.yahoo.com/group/SPS_Espresso/join

Grab a friend and join us!