Dr. Sandra Glahn

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Evangelicals for Global Warming?

Today's New York Times included a short editorial titled "Evangelical Environmentalism." It was in response to stuff like this (copied and pasted directly from Jerry Falwell's web site):

There’s no need for the Church of Jesus Christ to be wasting its time gullibly falling for all of this global warming hocus pocus. We need to give our total focus to the business of reaching this world with the Gospel of Jesus Christ and stop running down meaningless rabbit trails that get our focus off of our heavenly purpose.


Here are two thoughtful blog entries that take an opposing view:

Left Coast Sunburn blog (for those who won't freak out when they see the phrase "too damn hot" in the title)

Mike Svigel on Christians and our sorry history on some social issues

Jerry certainly doesn't speak for me. Does he speak for you?